Fan Comments
These guys are hilarious. I Don't even know where there skits come from. TRUST ME - They are all original, And they are all funny! Something i would like to see on SNL or something. And for the negative comments...How often do people say "I loved that! Im gonna go make a comment!" Like never. But, How often do people say "I hated that, im gonna right a bad review."
Just trust me. Funniest thing. You will see. In a long time. :D

Fantastic skits! Very funny. Keep up the good work guys. Love Ya!!!

I attended the event at CPT this past weekend. You guys were one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. Looking forward to seeing more.

unless you find a bunch of non-attractive, badly dressed guys jumping around, telling funny jokes and making complete @sses of themselves to be a good time.
Gut-busting funny, Yes, but I would rather go watch a ballet. I would NOT pay more the $85 a seat to watch these guys.
I, for one, will be at every show picketing them in protest.... whoes with me?
These guys are F-ing clown shoes.


You guys are hilarious! Great show last night! Can't wait for the next one!